The Kau Dake Ka Wall Chart is central to the teaching process in the Learning Centres. It is based on the Kau Dake workbook, which engages the children with meaningful activities and exercises and helps teachers to lead and guide their learning. The Kau Dake Ka workbook introduced teachers to a new paradigm of constructivist teaching without rules like SLRW (seeing-listening-reading-writing) etc. wherein they helped children build on understanding and skills that they already had. It gave children fun activities whereby they learnt, and guided teachers to develop their teaching lessons, in a systematic progression that would keep the interest of the children kindled all the time.
When schools closed due to the pandemic induced lockdown, Agragamee took up the challenge of helping tribal children continue their education in remote regions, where no internet was accessible, and even teachers did not have the skills to take up the challenge of blended online working. It also addressed the problem of learning for the first and second graders. This was done by opening up village level learning centres, and have the LC teachers teach in shifts, to avoid crowding, and ensure social distancing. However, actual teaching was more difficult, as the edu-leader village volunteers did not have any experience, or skills for teaching. In addition, Agragamee also was short on resources, and could not afford reprinting of the workbook.

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